Publishing Process

Publishing Process

Basic Steps

Come up with an idea - make a plan - do it

Draw a picture - photograph it and put it on the blog

Make a video - Time-lapse, Puppet Pals, Stop-Motion Film - upload to youtube and add to the blog

Write a story, action adventure, comic, comedy, jokes or make an eBook - Save the pdf to Dropbox

Save video to youtube and the link it to the blog

Save photographs to Picasa and link the picture to the blog

Write a story - copy and paste it into a blog posting

Create an eBook on the ipad - save it as a pdf in Dropbox and copy the web link into your blog posting

Create music with Garageband - save the file in Dropbox and copy the link into your blog posting

Add a picture (info graphic) to show the relationship and connection between file locations, documents, pictures, video, music

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